Piedras en el Riñón: Síntomas, Tratamiento y Cirugía de Excelencia en Hospital CMQ

A Guide to Dealing with Kidney Stones: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options at Hospital CMQ

Kidney stones are a painful health concern that affects a significant number of people worldwide. In this article, our Urology experts share information on the symptoms, causes, and various treatment options for those dealing with the discomfort and pain associated with kidney stones.

Exploring the Causes and Treatments of Kidney Stones 

Health & Wellness

Health & Wellness

Keto Diet 101; a detailed guide by our Nutritionists in Puerto Vallarta

The Ketogenic Diet, or Keto Diet, is definitely the in-vogue diet option of 2020. In fact, there are many studies that show that this diet can help you to improve your health and lose weight. Therefore, if followed correctly, it can be an important tool for your health and well-being. Here's everything you need to know about the Keto Diet; a detailed guide by our Nutritionists at Hospital CMQ in Puerto Vallarta.

Health & Wellness

The First Vaccines For Your Baby

Even though many diseases that can be prevented by applying a vaccine are not so common in small children anymore, they are not extinct either. Attached is a chronogram of the first vaccines for your baby; the ones you should not ignore. When fewer babies are vaccinated, more babies get sick. Don’t let that happen to your baby.

Health & Wellness

What to do with Diarrhea, its treatment and medications

Diarrhea is a common intestinal illness that most people, from children to pregnant women, experience occasionally. According to the Centers of Disease, Control and Prevention (CDC), there are 179 million cases of Diarrhea per year in the United States. Discover the facts about this common illness, its causes, symptoms and treatment, as well as how to prevent this pesky disease.

Health & Wellness

Why Do We Get “Brain Freeze”?

One of the disadvantages of summer, apart from the sudden afternoon storms and the endless bites of mosquitoes, is the sensation of a frozen brain. Also known as ice cream headache, a sudden and intense pain that can catch us off guard while enjoying one of the most delicious things. Find out more about it here.