Seguridad en Puerto Vallarta, ¿Es seguro visitar Puerto Vallarta?

Is Puerto Vallarta safe? / Is it safe to visit Puerto Vallarta?

Puerto Vallarta is one of the most famous Mexican tourist destinations in the world. But, is Puerto Vallarta safe for your next vacation? Keep reading to learn important facts about safety in Puerto Vallarta, the city’s crime rate, COVID-19 health recommendations (for a COVID-free visit!) and much more.

Top facts: Is it safe to visit Puerto Vallarta? Continue reading to find out 

Medical Tourism

Medical Tourism

Gerald Witt’s fight against Morbid Obesity

Know the testimony of Gerald Witt. A patient that underwent a Gastric Sleeve Weight Loss surgery performed by Dr. Francisco Hidalgo. Experienced Bariatric surgeon at Hospital CMQ Premiere. Learn about what happened before and after the procedure. What made Gerald do it and what does he expect from it.